Just to see that sexy physics in action, I surrounded the her seat with 4 layers of walls, so she has to jump through all 4 and I can see her boobs and ass jiggle like jelly. It's something that I should appreciate about the developers, they care about details so much that they gave the Archer queen a jiggly boob and ass physics that makes me moan an orgasm at around 100 decibels every time I see it. Oh god! She was big and curvy, jumping around my base with that heavy X-bow that slightly bend her over by it's weight. When it was constructed, I had her in my army and in my base. I don't know what made me do it but the first thing I built after my TH upgrade was the seat of the Archer Queen. I don't know what about her hit me, but I would happily let her step on me. I play this game very casually and in that casual play I recently upgraded my TH (Town Hall) to level 9, and unlocked a 'Hero' called Archer Queen.
I'm not a veteran player but rather an OG one because I've been playing it since it's release.